the youth rally
The church's birthday (no one knows when the congregation first started so I picked a date for our birthday) on May 23.
Here's the crowd and a men's group singing.
We were able to confirm Rodrigo and Driele as our new pastoral and wifal(? wife of pastoral) candidate. To be voted on by the church in July.
Pray for this sharp couple.
We had a baptism on the 30th. These are the folks we baptized. We also received three new members
Thanks for your prayers and love,
Graham and Rene Foran
Serving with Baptist Mid Missions since 1986
1 comment:
Hi, this is Jenny (McManus) Weber ... I attended Atlanta Christian Academy with Rene many years ago and the Lord has brought her to mind, and I wanted to say hello. Please visit me on my web site http://www.jennyweber.com and send me an email! I would love to hear from you!
God bless & keep you!
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