Wednesday, November 18, 2009

moving up

November apparently brought the hot weather in to stay, but moving upstairs will be a "cool" way to remember this month. Here's some pictures of our first major events in the new auditorium: a wedding, first Sunday services and a baptismal. You may not be able to see that we still have some finishing work to do, namely sanding all the plaster, filling in around the windows, but the work is being done.
The baptism mentioned above took place on the 22nd of November. David, Celso and Edsom were baptized. Amen!
Here are two special events we had this month. The "good-bye" for Brother Eduardo and his family. he is now the assistant pastor of a nearby church. His family has been in our church since the founding.


Here's Pastor Daniel, our missionary in the interior of the state of Sao Paulo. We had a campaign to raise money for his building. Here are some of the banks we made and used to collect this special offering.

Lord bless, Graham and Rene Foran

Serving with Baptist Mid Missions in greater Sao Paulo since 1986

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