June is over and a lot of activity with it. We just said, "good bye" to the teens and leaders from Calvary Baptist Church in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. We had 15 young people and sponsors here for eight days. We had a two day youth outreach (two night time programs and promotional actiivites in the park and at an english school); 

Sunday services with music, preaching, teaching and drama provaided by the team; five presentations at a public school with around 700 students hearing the gospel several times;

a trip to Rio de Janeiro (sight-seeing and participation in the Wednesday night service); broken down van on return trip (late night pizza and, thank the Lord, a convenient hotel); packing and last minute "rush" (read, "crawl") to the airport.

Two weeks prior to the Calvary team, we had the BJU soccer team

Two weeks prior to the Calvary team, we had the BJU soccer team
here (17 counting driver). We had games and evangelistic
testimonies for four days.
Between the two teams we had our Sweethearts Banquet. Brazilians don’t celebrate Valentines Day, but have this day on June 12.
We had 30 present and a
professional magician who was saved in our first church in Sao Paulo provided the entertainment. He and his wife were also the first couple that I married, way back when.
It was great to fellowship with them again.
The weather has been cool, but that is great for me. Construction goes on. Here are some of the windows we have installed.

June is over, but July is coming and I'm trying to get ready for a conference on Church Administration we are sponsoring for the local pastors. (14th -16th) Danny Sweatt, from Berean Baptist in Atlanta and Dr. Chuck Phelps, formerly president of Maranatha Baptist Bible College will be conducting the meetings. We'll have three days of meetings. (8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and nightly) Pray for these training sessions for national pastors.
Lord bless, Graham and Rene Foran
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