Ketchup is great on hotdogs and hamburgers, but I hate to play "Catchup" with all the apologizing and lame excuses that go along. Let it suffice that I didn't get around to blogging due to an overloaded schedule and computer problems. Any way, I have time and the computer is working (mostly) again. I actually started two other blogs, but neither saw the light of day and went into the cyberspace trash. (I couldn't get the pictures uploaded) I 'll just explain the pictures I posted as the simplist way of covering the lost ground.

In February-March we planned (I am on executive commitee) and executed a conference recognizing Baptist Mid Mission's 75th

anniversary in Brazil. We had a great week of conference. My daughter and a friend came for the conference and stayed over for about a week. A week later our good friend Fred Wolhuter came for abour 6 days.
I preached two evangelistic conferences and we saw men saved in each meeting (husbands of church members) as well as others. One was in Boituva with our "preacher boy" (grown up) Lucio in his new church plant. We took some of the young people from our Carapicuiba church
and they ran the children's work and went visiting for the church.

We also enjoyed a visit from my daughter-in-law and her mother. (yes they came without our grandkids!) They came to get root canals and crowns done. We enjoyed their company and when the days work was done we got in quite a few hands of Rook. We took no pictures at all of their visit, but here are two of the kids waiting for Becca at the airport and then their reaction with momma arrived! These are great.

We thank you for your prayers and concern for the ministry and our family.
Love, Graham and Rene Foran