Pastor Brian Fernett lead the team and preached good Bible messages to the church in Carapicuiba and in the Barueri church as well.

Since I am the next best thing to worthless in construction matters, I tended to be the runner: food and coffee being my specialty, but I also went after tools and building supplies.
One funny thing about having a team is that they take pictures that we have never thought of taking. Everyone wanted pictures of a wall painted by local artists. I drive by the wall 20 times a week and never took a picture yet. Well, here it is now.

Sunday following the team visit we celebrated Children's Day. Since the actual holiday fell on Sunday our program was a little smaller than usual. Many potential visitors were out doing what Brazilians do on Children's Day, but we did have a good time with the children and had around 12 visitors.

And last but not least, a picture of my granddaughter. I love the expression.

Lord bless,
Graham and Rene Foran