As we ended the month of July and started August we had the joy of hosting the youth mission team of the Oak Ridge Baptist Church from (you guessed it) Oak Ridge, Tennessee. How we looked forward to the team! And how glad we were when they arrived! How relieved we were when they left! (My wife gets on to me for saying that, but it is true.)
First of all, the team was made up of great kids and great leaders. We didn't have one "unhappy" moment the whole week. They behaved themselves wonderfully (had entirely too much fun for a mission trip, I'm sure) and left a good testimony everywhere they went.

The youth pastor, Jon Kopp, brought great messages both to the youth and the church. (If he just hadn't torn up the cars every time he drove!!)

What I really appreciated was the way the teens from the states made every effort to mingle

We had an all day (7:00 am until 3:00 pm) program in one of the public schools. The teens sang,

We also made a quick trip to Rio de Janeiro. They sang, preached, testified etc. at another Baptist-Mid missionary

Oh, the peanut butter? I asked Jon Kopp if he could bring me a couple of jars of Jiffy, Extra Crunchy peanut butter. He had everyone on the team bring a jar! Spoil the missionary - what a great idea!
Great people, those Tennesseans. (It was a relief when everyone was gone though!) Can't wait until they come again.
Lord bless, Graham and Rene